I was recently asked by a friend, "how do I help my child eat healthy?" It's a question that a lot of parents have. And, now that we're entering into a generation of humans who can recognize that the 90's and early 2000's created a LOT of food issues (cough WW cough those stupid hip hugging jeans that made your legs go numb cough cough), it's something many parents want to approach differently than the way they were taught. For those of us who are at a parenting age (whether in the role of parent, or perhaps aunt/uncle, or family friend who is basically family) we are in a hard spot of wanting to do the best job possible communicating about food to the small humans we care about without putting them at risk for disordered eating down the line. I asked dietitians across the country what resources they recommend for their patients, clients, or even their own VIK (that's very important kiddos). While this list is not all inclusive (I can pretty much guarantee I'll be updating it annually), it's a great place to get started. There are a variety of types of resources, so happy reading, listening, scrolling, and learning.
Fearless Feeding by Jill Castle
Fat Talk by Virginia Sole Smith
How to Raise An Intuitive Eater by Sumner Brooks and Amee Severson
Anything written by Mary Ann Jacobson (her website is HERE)
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Explore the free courses offered by Dr. Arnold HERE